There are many types of customers, some are nice and friendly, some are arrogant and hostile.
But this customer is rather different. Not only she is moody, but also she is damn "complicated".1st Requirement - Exact Ingredients
You need to tell her exactly the key ingredients of the product she is interested.
It took me 2 hours to explain the overall skin care to her and list down all the key ingredients of the products she was keen. Trust me, she really researches on the info, and will purchase if she finds the info is right plus the price is the cheapest in the market.
2nd Requirement - Snacks
You need to serve her snacks. Fill up her stomach, make her feel like she is the "premier" customer. Now I always keep some candies or biscuits in the drawer.
3rd Requirement - Smiles smiles and smiles
She always come in with a black faced and tells you so and so from which shop was rude to her, and blar blar blar. You need to comfort her and speak to her very softly and wear your smile all the time. Depending on her mood, she might blow you up, but keep cool and be cool to her. Coz she told me she loves to make complaints.
She thinks she owns the MINEs???.....this is interesting...common for those who have nots to behave as though they haves! kampung Datin????